Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I See You

As I sit to write on the eve of another Thanksgiving Day, my thoughts do not, this time, move to the historical significance or occurrences of this most special of remembrance days. That type of detached study is for another time.

Instead, my musings on this day are much more personal. I have much to be thankful for, so much so, that it would take multiple postings and myriad journeys into the journal of my memory to mine and mention them all.

Suffice it to say that God has done a great work in the hearts of many in the last year and sixty days, through the life, suffering, and restoration of one young man - our son Andrew. All of you are no doubt aware of his recent injuries and subsequent long walk upon a difficult but rewarding path of recovery and renewal.

As I have observed him along the way, I have seen him walk through an enormous valley of struggle and brokenness unto the soaring mountains of unbroken love and blessing. As he continues to climb, ever closer to the summit, I watch in wonder, seeing with the eyes of my heart, a panoramic scene of grace appear upon the canvas of God 's love.

Simply, I see you.
I see you, touching my son with hands of compassion in a hospital, nursing and nurturing him, mending a broken human vessel, healing and rehabilitating body and spirit, trusting God to renew the soul.

I see you, kneeling in prayer, with thousands of others, reaching into the heavens, pleading, calling down upon my boy the power of the Almighty. Know, in seeing it fall upon him, I have remembered it is according to His will, at your request.

I see you, a mother, everywhere present with him, offering love like I have never seen before, a pillar of strength for the weak and a voice for the silent, the selfless love of Christ manifested in human form.

I see you, brother and sister, broken for the one you love with all of your fearful heart, yet whole and firm, filled with hope and determined to do and pray, as only you can do and pray, for him.

I see you, new friend, knowing the story and the challenges, yet remaining steadfast in your love, care, and aid, bringing joy, hope, and trust again to my boy.

I see you son, in near death unto renewed life, always hopeful and determined to look and move forward, always forward and upward, to the heights. I have no words to describe the inspiration you are to me and the pride I have in being your father.

I see you, Lord, in all of these, your hands, your heart, your strength. I stand in awe of You and all of this, the manifestation of love in such vivid power that evil and hate disappear before it, swallowed up in the victory that is ours, all of ours, together in You.

I stand, and fall before You, amazed and silent, stilled by your Presence and Greatness.

I rejoice friends, in all of God's blessings this Thanksgiving, again. I just wanted you to know that in them, I see you, in Him, and will for all eternity.

I love you all, forever.

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